Sedation Dentistry To Ease Dental Anxiety

Sedation Dentistry To Ease Dental Anxiety

Posted by ALLURE DENTAL CARE OF MAPLE LAWN on Jul 17 2022, 12:39 AM

Sedation Dentistry To Ease Dental Anxiety

Sedation dentistry refers to the use of sedatives to help patients relax during dental treatment. This can help patients feel calm and comfortable during dental procedures. Sedation can be used for everything from routine cleanings to surgical procedures.

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

  • Fear of the dentist

Many people experience anxiety about visiting the dentist. It's normal to feel uneasy about visiting a dentist, but it's important to maintain your twice-a-year dental checkups as recommended. Sedation dentistry can help ease anxiety for patients who have a fear of the dentist's chair.

  • Sensitive teeth

Patients with sensitive teeth should consider sedation dentistry. Those who suffer from sensitive teeth often avoid regular dental appointments due to fear that they will be in pain. This can result in tooth decay and gum disease, especially when patients avoid cleanings and checkups. Sedation dentistry allows patients to complete necessary dental work without feeling pain or anxiety.

  • High anxiety

People with extreme anxiety may feel anxious about visiting the dentist. This anxiety can make it hard to sit in the dental chair long enough to receive necessary dental care. Sedation dentistry can help you to relax in the dental chair and receive the dental care you need.

Sedation dentistry relaxes patients through the use of different types of sedatives. These sedatives allow you to receive dental care while remaining comfortably relaxed.

  • Bad gag reflex

A gagging reflex refers to something that makes you want to gag or throw up. Some patients experience a gagging reflex when they receive dental treatment. Dental anxiety, pain, or nervousness may contribute to a gagging reflex.

  • Difficulty getting numb

Many patients have a hard time getting numb when they go to the dentist. This can be caused by a number of factors. For instance, if you have very sensitive teeth, you may not feel anything. If your teeth and gums are misaligned, it can be difficult for the dental staff to apply an anesthetic without hitting nerve fibers.

However, sedation dentistry can help. Oral sedation, for example, allows you to relax and become completely numb before any dental work begins.

Types Of Dental Sedation

  • Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, is a form of conscious sedation. Laughing gas is administered through a mask that is placed over your nose. It's typically described as feeling euphoric since it produces a light-headed feeling. Nitrous oxide sedation is easy to remove and wears off quickly. As soon as the mask is removed, you'll be able to carry on with normal activities.

  • Oral Sedation

Oral sedation involves taking a single pill before your appointment. The pill makes you drowsy and helps you to relax.Oral sedation is a popular option for children who need to undergo dental treatment. 

  • IV Sedation

IV sedation involves the dentist administering a sedative drug through a vein in the arm or hand. The patient will fall asleep during the procedure. When the procedure is finished, the patient will wake up gradually. This type of sedation causes the patient to have little to no memory of the procedure. For this reason, it is ideal when the patient has a lot of dental work that needs to be done.

  • General Anesthesia

General anesthesia puts you into a deep sleep for the entire appointment. You don't have to worry about discomfort or pain at all. Since you're sleeping during your appointment, you'll likely need someone to drive you home. General anesthesia is often used for surgical procedures such as wisdom teeth extractions, dental implant placement, and oral surgery. It's also used for complex procedures such as bone grafting.

If you are looking for the best dentist who will help you ease anxiety, visit ALLURE DENTAL at 8170 Maple Lawn Blvd, Suite 150, Fulton, MD 20759. Call us at (240) 456-0717 to book an appointment. 

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